Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 159 04.05.2006
NBC Defense Training Center Celebrated

May 7 represents the 75 years of existence since the establish of the Center for Training in Defense Against Gases. Its tradition is now continued by the NBC Defense Training Center .

This occasion, celebrations will occur Friday, May 5, at 12.00 hours at the NBC Training Center in Campulung-Muscel with the participation of military and civilian officials, representatives of the local public administration, reserve and retreat military personnel.

A military and religious ceremony, visit of the halls of specialty and the show of NBC equipment and materials will be opened for the public.

The Center for Training in Defense Against Gasses established in Bucharest by Order of the General Staff had as the main mission the modernization of the education in forming, improving and specialization in NBC defense. The Battalion of Defense Against Gasses (ACG) established in 1932 consisted in a Specialties Platoon, an Escort Platoon and a Depot Company. In the Second World War, the ACG Battalion was re-organized and focused on the possible special missions in the Eastern campaign.

The Center was eliminated in 1945 and re-established in 1947 in Fagaras and was re-named: Center of Training of Anti-Chemical Defense. There were successive transformations and deployments and in 1969 the Center of Training of Chemical Troops was established in Campulung Muscel that in 1991 became the Center of Improving the Training of Personnel of Military Chemistry. The present name was established in August 1, 2005 when the unit was subordinated to the School of Application for Combat Support Units General Eremia Grigorescu.

In the 75 years of existence the Center contributed in elaboration and fundamentation of tactical and operative combat principles using the mass destroy , biological, radiological and nuclear chemical weapons. It had a special merit in drafting the NBC Defense acts and in modernization, homologate and test of the NBC equipment. This military institution ensured the training and participated with specialists and troops in operations of stabilization and support in Somalia, Angola, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq.

MoND Press Office