Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 244 21.06.2006
National Photo Contest

The Public Relations Directorate in the Romanian Ministry of National Defense will print a photo album, in September 2006, in Romanian and English, reflecting the Romanian soldiers' activity. This product is part of the public information campaign on the Romanian Armed Forces transformation and the military career. In this respect, a national selection of the photography will be organized between June 20 and July 20, 2006, with the participation of all the interested persons (journalists, photo-reporters, military and civilians) willing to send photos on the participation of the Romanian soldiers in the theatres of operations and international missions, training for and taking part in disaster relief actions.

After the first selection made by a jury, the photos will be displayed in several cities, in an itinerant exhibition entitled A Professional Armed Forces for Romania. Professionals for the Romanian Armed Forces. They will be accessible on the internet ( and the visitors can vote in the book of the exhibition or electronically on the above mentioned site. The most successful photos will be included in the album.

The digital photos must be 180dpi, with the author's elements of identification (name, first name, contact information) and a caption. The digital photos will be sent by e-mail to or by post, on a CD support to the address: Directia Relatii Publice, Ministerul Apararii Nationale, Str. Izvor nr.13-15, sector 5, cod 050561, Bucuresti (mentioning for the photo contest).

MoND Press Office