Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 73 16.03.2007
Journalists visiting Breaza Zonal Selection and Orientation Central

A press visit at Breaza Zonal Selection and Orientation Center for the journalists documentation on the process of selection of the voluntary soldiers occurred Friday, March 16, organized by the general Staff.

Till now, in this Center, have been tested about half of the total of the candidates recruited by the country military centers from Muntenia, Oltenia, Dobrogea, South of Moldova and Bucharest stated the chief of the Center, Colonel Tiberiu Buzdugan.

The process will end around the middle of April and the admitted young people will be distributed, according to their results to the units they made their options, for the about 1300 positions in competition, in the first series.

According to the provisory statistics made by Breaza Zonal Selection and Orientation Center, the promotion in percentage is about 50. More then 70% of the competitors are from the urbane environment, and 12% are females. As regarding the studies, till now, 60% are graduate of secondary school , 30% of professional schools or the first cycle of secondary schools and about 10% graduated faculties or post secondary schools.

The process of selection of the voluntary soldiers started with the draw up of files for the candidates and the medical tests in the nearest military hospitals and polyclinics.

The medically apt candidates should come (after the planning) to the Zonal Selection and Orientation Centers ( Breaza, Campulung Moldovenesc or Alba Iulia) for the psychological and physical tests. The admitted young people will have a program of training of 2 up to 5 months in the training centers of the military branches, structured on two components;
- the individual training module ( 2 months) for those with no military training, based on general and tactical military training, to become accustomed to the individual protection, combat and handling of the armament/equipment;
- the improvement of training ( 2-3 months) based on special military training, according to the military branch they will be enlisted in.
After the training period and the pass of exams, the voluntary soldiers will have to sign a hiring contract ( up to for years long).

Public Information Office, General Staff