Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 112 21.04.2007
The Celebration of the Romanian Army Day

The soldiers of the Romanian Armed Forces celebrate the Army Day every year, on April 23. The patron saint of this Force is the Great Martyr Saint George the Victory Bearer.

The Army Staff has planned a full program of activities dedicated to this celebration that will take place in the country military garrisons and units, on April 23, 2007.
Political and military personalities, retired soldiers and war veterans, youngsters interested in developing a military career, common citizens are invited to attend this ceremony.

The activity agenda in Bucharest includes on April 23, the following: the wreath-laying ceremonies at the Infantry Monument (Kisseleff Park), at 09:00 a.m., the Artillery Monument (the crossroads of the Avenue Iuliu Maniu and Avenue Eroii Sanitari), at 10:00 a.m., and the Engineers' Monument (the crossroads of the Avenue Eroilor and the Avenue Eroii Sanitari), at 10:00 a.m.

Parachute jumps and demo exercises executed by the soldiers of the 30th Guard Regiment Mihai Viteazu and Military Police subunits will take place in the Izvor Park. There will be also introduced types of armament, military technique and equipment, and the military bands will perform an artistic show.

50 officers, NCOs and civilians will be awarded with the Army Honor Badge for their faultless mission completion, devotion and special results they reached following the training process, at the Army Staff headquarters, at 13:00 p.m.

The torch withdrawal will conclude the celebration of the Army Day in Bucharest. The withdrawal, planned for 21:00-22:00 a.m., will follow the itinerary: the Army Staff headquarters the crossroads Razoare the National Defence University the Avenue Cotroceni the Avenue Iuliu Maniu the Avenue Vasile Milea the headquarters of the 30th Guard Regiment Mihai Viteazu.

Similar activities and military-demo exercises and contests, book exhibitions, symposiums and shows will take place in Bistrita, Brasov, Breaza, Craiova, Focsani, Iasi, Pitesti and Sibiu. The Army Day will be also celebrated in the theatres of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo wherein Army soldiers are deployed.

Army Staff