Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 227 03.08.2008
Contraamiral Eustatiu Sebastian corvette to participate in the BLACKSEAFOR activation

Contraamiral Eustatiu Sebastian corvette will take part between August 4 and 26, in the first stage of the BLACKSEAFOR eight activation. In this activation, ORUC REIS frigate (Turkey), SLAVUTICH command ship (Ukraine), SMELI corvette (Bulgaria) and AZOV motor borne troops (Russian Federation) are part of the Group.

The activation program includes the visits in Sevastopol port (Ukraine), Batumi port (Georgia), and Novorossiysk (Russian Federation) where the BLACKSEAFOR goals are to be presented to the public. Thus, demonstrative activities, meetings with military and civilian officials, press conferences, social activities and visits on board of the ships will occur during their stop in the above mentioned ports.

The action on the sea, according to the scenario, will aiming the search and rescue, common defense against air strikes and ships' attacks, inspection of suspect ships, surveillance, reconnaissance, and report of naval situation, interrogation of trade ships to identify them and the maritime interdiction missions.

Captain Commander Constantin Jianu is commanding the corvette Contraamiral Eustatiu Sebastian and the crew of 102 military.

The corvette Contraamiral Eustatiu Sebastian will have the departure to Sevastopol from Mangalia military port, Sunday, August 3, starting 11:00 a.m.

BLACKSEAFOR Group is conceived as force acting at request and activated, twice per year. The Group command, according the protocol of establishment, is provided by the six Black Sea states, successively, thus: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine and Turkey. For the next 12 months, Ukraine will take over the command during the ceremony to occur in Sevastopol port before the first stage of activation to be developed on the sea.

For more information on BLACKSEAFOR access

MoD Press Office