Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 321 23.10.2008
Military delegation in the theatre of operations in Afghanistan

A military delegation headed by the deputy chief of General Staff for operational leading, Major General Ioan Ciupei, Ph.D. paid a visit in the theatre of operations in Afghanistan, between October 21 and 22.
This occasion, the delegates met the Romanian military that are deployed in the area and had talks on the fulfillment of missions and the state of function of their military equipment and analyzed the measures to be taken for the cold time to come. The delegates were informed on the new Romanian military structures' integration within the theatre of operations; the support and transit and the OMLT team. They rapidly adapted to the local conditions and already performed their first missions.
The commander of the Maneuver Battalion and the commanders of the other structures presented their reports on the military's very good state of mind, motivation and readiness for their missions.
During the meeting with the Romanian military they read the message of the Chief of General Staff occasioned by the celebration of the Day of the Romanian Armed Forces and the chief of the delegation awarded the national orders to the military that have been wounded in missions and the distinctions of honor to the officers and volunteer soldiers with special merits in their missions.
The delegates also met the commander of the US National Command Element, Colonel Ralph W. Haddock, the deputy chief of staff for reconstruction and development from the Regional Command South, Colonel Andrew Mills and the deputy commander of the Regional Command South, Lieutenant General Harm de Jonge. The topics of their talks aimed the evaluation of the state of security in the area of responsibility and the achievements in cooperation with the Romanian Maneuver Battalion that is deployed in the region.

MoD Press Office