Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 341 07.11.2008

The 165th anniversary of the Romanian Artillery will be celebrated between November 7 and 10, through different events, such as:
- The Modern Romanian Artillery- Evolution and Development Tendency symposium will occur Friday, November 7, starting 10 a.m. at the National Military Club in Bucharest;
- A session of documentary movies on the Romanian Artillery, an exhibition on the history of Romanian Artillery items existing in the National Military Museum, and an exhibition of books authored by military personalities will occur Saturday, November 8, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the National Military Museum;
- A wreath-laying ceremony at the Monument of the Artillery Heroes will occur Monday, November 10 in Parcul Eroilor (Heroes' Park) at 12 a.m. and a LAROM system presentation, books and photos exhibition, and a book launch (165 Years of the Modern Romanian Artillery) will occur at the Land Forces Staff HQ, between 1 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.

Every year, the Romanian Land Forces celebrate the Artillery branch on November the 10th. The Artillery is one of the most powerful branches designed to support the operations of the combat forces, therefore being the main firepower on terrestrial and naval targets.
The process of developing a modern Artillery branch in our country started on the 10th of November, 1843 through the King's Order no. 198. This order set up the first Artillery Battery in Walachia (main Romanian province) and its officers manning, NCOs and soldiers. Captain Pavel Lenz was the first commander of the first Artillery Battery.

The reverential actions consisting in wreath-laying ceremonies, evocations of the combat traditions and presentations of the transformation process of the Romanian Artillery will occur in all the Romanian garrisons where Artillery units are deployed.

MoD Press Office