Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 268 03.08.2009

"CONTRAAMIRAL HORIA MACELLARIU" corvette will leave Mangalia military port on Tuesday, August 4 at 6 p.m. to take part in BLACKSEAFOR activity.
The Romanian ship will act alongside TCG BARBAROS frigate (Turkey), RFS TSEZAR KUNIKOV (Russian Federation) and SMELI corvette (Bulgaria).
The BLACKSEAFOR activities will consist of counter-mine fight, search and rescue, humanitarian assistance and environment protection exercises.
The activation programme also comprises the visits in Varna (Bulgaria), Sevastopol (Ukraine), Novorossiysk (Russian Federation) to strengthen the trust and understanding between the participant states. During the stops in the above mentioned ports, they will have demonstrative activities, meeting with military and civilian officials, press conferences, social activities and visits on boards.
Captain Commander Liviu Motoc commands the "CONTRAAMIRAL HORIA MACELLARIU" corvette with a crew of 94 militaries.

MoND Press Office