Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 371 26.10.2009
The Army troops - ready to support the population by the "AXIOPOLIS 2009" exercise

The 202nd Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Defense Battalion Husi participated in "AXIOPOLIS 2009", with a sub-unit of soldiers, vehicles and special equipment in the exercise of protection and intervention in case of nuclear accident at Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant that had occurred between October 18 and 23. The exercise was organized and led by the Bucharest General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, with the support granted by the central and local administration, local and county emergency situations committees, central public institution emergency situation committees and professional structures for emergency situations that are enlisted in the operative action planes.
The main aim of this exercise was to check on the reaction of the central and local administration authorities and of the intervention forces to limit and remove the effect of a major nuclear accident at Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant.
The subunit performed the missions of decontamination of personnel and equipment, nuclear search on the main ways of communication in the affected area.
The protection and intervention in case of nuclear accident "AXIOPOLIS" exercise at Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant is periodically performed at about 3-5 years, according to the international legislation in force on nuclear emergency management. The last exercise the Romanian authorities have organized was in 2005 with the implication of the population from the area.

The 202nd Chemical, Biological, Radiological Nuclear Defense Battalion Husi was established on October 20, 1950 as the 42nd Chemical Battalion. Due to the reform of the Romanian Armed Forces and the need to adapt the NATO terminology, the Battalion was reorganized under different names and since May 1, this year, it has the present name.
The 202nd CBRN Defense Battalion is a basic structure of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense deployed in the East operation area, with administrative and operational leading missions for the subordinated sub-units in peace time, situations of crisis and war, such as: the entire range of CBRN defense missions on national territory, any time, and any climate, the Combat Service - NBC Surveillance in the area of responsibility, intervention with forces and special missions in case of accident-damage at Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant, intervention with troops to remove the effect of natural disaster in the area of responsibility and maintain of actual operational level for the RBC decontamination three teams as CBRN special structures set at NATO disposal.

MoND Press Office