Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 391 06.11.2009
The 150th anniversary of the General Staff

The General Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces will celebrate the 150th anniversary on November 12th, 2009.
King Alexandru Ioan Cuza, after the Union, decided to establish the General Staff Corps of the Army from the Principatele Unite, by the High Decree no. 83 from November 12/24, 1859, in order to create a military structure with a unique conception and organization.
The Day of the General Staff will be marked by the series of events, thus:
November 6:
"The Day of the Open Gates" at the National Military Club Palace (10 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
November 6-9:
"The Day of the Open Gates" at the National Military Museum
November 9:
Launch of "Enciclopedia Armatei romane" book, Marble Hall, National Military Club Palace at 1 p.m.
November 10:
Launch of "Albumul Armatei Romaniei", "Calendarul traditiilor militare" and "Document. Buletinul Arhivelor militare romane" at the National Military Museum, 1 p.m
November 11:
Launch of the anniversary issue of "Gandirea militara romanesca" review and the review's award ceremony in the MoND Hall at 10 a.m.
"General Staff -150 years as the Romanian Armed Forces high body of conception and command" symposium in the MoND Hall, 11,30 a.m.
November 12:
Unveil of monumental ensemble in front of the MoND HQ and the anniversary plaque at 11 a.m.
Inauguration of paintings "Alexandru Ioan Cuza - primul domn al Principatelor Unite si fondator al SMG" and "Regele Ferdinand I, Intregitorul-fondator al statului national unitar roman" in the MoND Hall
Presentation of stamp anniversary emission, the MoND Hall
Inauguration of exhibition "Documente inedited elaborate de Statul Major General (Marele Cartier General) in campanile militare si teatrele de operatii" in the MoND Hall
Decoration of the General Staff Combat Colors with "Steaua Romaniei" National Order in rank of officer, in the MoND Aula, at 12 a.m.
Artistic show for the guests and the personnel from the General Staff, in the MoND Aula, at 1,15 p.m.

MoND Press Office