Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 72 08.03.2013
State Secretary Costea visited the militaries injured in the air crash occurred in Bacau County

On Friday, March 8, Vasile Costea, State Secretary for Parliament Liaison, Public Information and Personnel Welfare visited Major Petru Pricop and Corporal Doru Nanescu hospitalized at the Central Military Emergency Hospital and Captain Catalin Balmus under medication at Floreasca Emergency Hospital, injured in the aviation accident occurred in Bacau County.

The members of the medical board from the Central Military Emergency Hospital gave details about the condition of the two patients that are under the medical care of the military doctors as well as prognoses about the clinical evolution of the militaries’ health condition.

Major Petru Pricop and Corporal Doru Nanescu were hospitalized at the Central Military Emergency Hospital yesterday evening with multiple traumas, burnings and wounds.

After benefiting from medical treatments and undergoing the necessary operations, the two patients were transferred to the Intensive Care Section, being hemodinamically stable, breathing on their own, conscious, with a favorable clinical evolution.

Captain Catalin Balmus, hospitalized at Floreasca Emergency Hospital, suffered a surgery last night, upon his arrival. The commissioned officer was evaluated this morning by a medical board of the hospital, his condition being stable with a favorable clinical evolution.

The State Secretary ensured the three injured militaries and their families of the ministry leadership`s full support in providing them the best medical treatment and recovery conditions.

MoND Press Office