Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 58 19.03.2014
Meetings on Regional Cooperation in Bucharest

The 31st reunion of the Political Military Steering Committee (PMSC) of the Multinational Peace Force South East Europe (MPFSEE) and the 30th reunion of the Coordination Committee of the South Eastern Defence Ministerial (SEDM-CC) take place in Bucharest from 18 to 20 March.

During the meetings regional cooperation will be discussed, with a focus on practical projects that impact member nations.

Ways to improve how this regional initiative works will be discussed during the PMSC meeting.

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The following nations are part of the South Eastern Defence Ministerial process: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYROM, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, the USA, Turkey and Ukraine, while Georgia and the Republic of Moldova are observers. Romania holds the chairmanship of PMSC MPFSEE and SEDM-CC for the second time (the first one was held during 2001-2003).

MoND Press Office