Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 105 19.04.2003
Press Release

Nowadays the Ministry of National Defense has bilateral consultations with representatives of Great Britain and USA in order to define the size and modalities of Romanian participation to the post conflict stabilization in Iraq. The discussions firstly aim the elements about deployment and use of forces approved through the Decision of Parliament no. 2 from February 12, 2003 i.e. the engineering units, NBC units, military police, medical staff and staff officers.

Having in view that the evolution in the Iraqi theater of operation is rapidly changing the planning of the Romanian contribution is done with the American and British partners and will be figured at the end of the general effort of defining the components of the coalition implied in this mission.

We can not offer details on missions, size, composition and deployment of the Romanian forces. We do precise that the analysis we are doing at MoND for solving the partners' request do not exclude the possibility to modify or to increase the present offer of forces and capabilities. According to the policy of the Romanian Government, the Ministry of National Defense will elaborate a series of options of participating done in cooperation with other ministries and institutions. The final suggestions for implication in post conflict operations will be submitted for approval to the Supreme Council of Defense of the Country and to the Romanian Parliament.

Department for Euro-Atlantic Integration
and Defense Poli