Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 249 01.12.2015
Activation of the Multinational Division South-East

The ceremony at the activation of the Multinational Division South-East (MND-SE) took place in Bucharest, Tuesday, December 1, in the presence of the Minister of National Defence, Mihnea Motoc, and the chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General, Nicolae Ciuca.

Lieutenant General Alain Parent, Deputy Commander, Allied Joint Force Command Naples, was also present at the ceremony. After the event, a detachment of MND-SE marched during the National Military Parade that took place in Constitutiei Square.

Establishing this NATO structure, along with the activation of NFIU-NATO Force Integration Unit, in September this year, are part of the measures taken within the Readiness Action Plan adopted at the Wales Summit of 2014.

Footage of the ceremony can be downloaded from:

MoND Press Office