Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 43 12.02.2016
Annual Report of the National Committee on International Humanitarian Law during the Chairmanship of the Ministry of National Defence

The Annual Report of the National Committee on International Humanitarian Law in the period it worked under the Chairmanship of the Ministry of National Defence took place on Friday, February 12.

As of March 2015, the Ministry of National Defence held the chairmanship of this body. Its chairman was State Secretary for the Relation with the Parliament, Public Information and Personnel Welfare, Ms. Otilia Sava.

The activities conducted in this period of time were related to the way international norms of humanitarian law are transposed into internal legislation, observing the norms of international humanitarial law in the international juridical instruments Romania is part of and continued fulfilling of obligations assumend after the ratification of the Statute of the Rome International Criminal Court, of July 17, 1998.

The committee members were constantly interested in conducting training and education activities. In MoND, during March 2015 to March 2016, the Center of International Humanitarian Law fromt Carol I National Defence University ensured the participation of one expert in international humanitarian law to train personnel that would participate in missions abroad. The number of trained personnel is of about 470 .

One representative of each of the following organizations make up the committee: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests. During the meeting, the chairmanship of the National Committee on International Humanitarian Law was taken over by the Ministry of Justice.

Press Department