Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 51 19.02.2016
Military Ceremony in Memory of Romanian Sculptor Constantin Brancusi

Over 500 soldiers participated in a military ceremony marking 140 years since birth of great Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi. The ceremony was organized at the Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brancusi at Targu Jiu, Gorj County, Friday, February 19.

After the ceremony, the participants walked all the way to the Gate of the Kiss, The Alley of Chairs and The Table of Silence where they laid wreaths.

The State Secretary for Parliament Liaison, Public Information and Personnel Welfare, Ms. Otilia Sava, pointed out that Brancusi's love for the heroes buried in the land of Gorj, who sacrificed their lives for the homeland, is the best way to nurture the Cult of the Heroes '.

The activity, organized by the National Office for the Cult of the Heroes together with local authorities, was attended by military men from Targu-Jiu and Targu-Carbunesti, pupils and teachers from schools in Gorj County and the National Military College Mihai Viteazul of Alba Iulia, as well as war veterans from Gorj.

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The original title of the Endless Column was the Column of the Endless Gratitude dedicated to the Romanian soldiers who fell during the battles on the River Jiu in WW1.

Press Department