Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 189 24.06.2016
Ceremonies Dedicated to the Day of the National Flag

The National Flag of Romania will be hoisted during a public ceremony organized in Tricolorului Square in Bucharest (in front of the Palace of the National Military Club), on Sunday, June 26, at 09.30 hrs.

During the ceremony that is organized by the Ministry of National Defence in cooperation with the Prefect's and the Mayor's Office of Bucharest, the flag will be taken to the square where it will be blessed by a military priest and then hoisted while the national Anthem is played in the background.

The 30th Mihai Viteazul Guard Brigade will present a drill while the Military Band of the defence ministry will perform a concert of military songs.

The event will be attended by representatives of civilian, military and religious institutions, foreign military attachees accredited to Bucharest, war veterans, wounded soldiers and families of deceased soldiers, war veterans, reserve and retired military personnel.

Military personnel from garissons across the country will participate in public ceremonies organized by local authorities.

The Day of the National Flag was established by Law 96/1998 to be celebrated annually on June 26.

Press Department