Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 340 07.12.2016
Self-evaluation of 2 Rovine Infantry Brigade

The self-evaluation of the activity conducted in 2016 by 2 Rovine Infantry Brigade took place on December 7, at the brigade headquarters from Craiova, in the presence of the minister of national defence, Mihnea Motoc, and General Nicolae Ciuca, the chief of General Staff.

Brigadier General Daniel Petrescu, the unit commander, exposed a synthesis of the activities performed in 2016, emphasizing the exercises and the way the objectives are accomplished.

A special emphasis was put on implementation graphic of the establishment process of the Multinational Brigade (MN BDE), a NATO structure that is to be established on the Romanian territory by transforming the 2 Infantry Brigade-as a main element to achieve the Allied tailored Forward Presence tFP in the Southern region of the Eastern Flank of the Alliance.

'Rendering the MN BDE operational will be one of the greatest challenges from the next two years. The implementation timelines of this project are tight but also realistic and entirely feasible. We count on your thoughtfulness and ability to execute all stages assumed, so that you can render profitable all your international experience accumulated so far during the three missions conducted on the three continents, in six theaters of operations. We are aware of the issues you are confronted with and I can assure you that, together with the chief of General Staff, Nicolae Ciuca and the entire leadership team of the MoND, we have options for efficient solutions which will be synchronized with your efforts ', minister Motoc declared at the end of the evaluation activity.

The facilities established within 2 Infantry Brigade for the emplacement of the MN BDE, and for the accommodation and integration of the Polish infantry company but also the accommodation spaces offered by the military hotel from Craiova for the allied states' soldiers that will man certain positions within the brigade headquarters were visited during the self-evaluation activity.

Press Department