Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 390 28.08.2005
Romanian Police Officers Train the New Iraqi Police Force

For several weeks now, soldiers of the Military Police Company Iraq V acted as trainers in the first training course of the new Iraqi Police Force, organized by the Italian Regiment MSU, under whose command the Romanian Police officers operate.

The course took place at the Regional Training Center in Camp Ur and was structured into more theoretical and practical modules, where the future Iraqi policemen learned the rules and ways of engagement in case of an intervention, how to act at check points, techniques for catching and immobilizing criminals that have classical or side arms on them.

The Military Police Company Iraq V participates in operation Antica Babilonia with 100 soldiers, most of them selected from the 265th Military Police Battalion. It began its mission on August 5, 2005, when the Italian Regiment MSU took over the responsibility and the transfer of authority.

MoND Press Office