Ministry of National Defence
Press release No. 402 04.09.2005

Defence Minister Teodor Atanasiu sent Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld a letter expressing the compassion and solidarity with the American people in deep distress following the Katrina hurricane.

"These day, the US nation has been passing through the hard trial of the human and material losses incurred by hurricane Katrina.

Given the fact that this summer also the Romanians have been affected by the rage of nature, we can very well understand the anguish of the Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi inhabitans, and we express all our sympathy for them.

The US Military have proven one more time to stay right beside their people, being able to make unceasing efforts to remove the aftermath of the unleashed nature.

The Romanian Armed Forces, as US Army strategic partner, together with the Romanian people, are beside the American authorities, and assert their availability to be of help in handling the situation.

Being confident that the US Armed Forces efforts will be successful, please be assured, dear Secretary of Defense, of my highest consideration. " The above is the text of the telegram signed by Minister Atanasiu.

MoND Press Office