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Nr. 255 02.12.2024

The visit of the Chief of General Staff of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova to Romania

The Chief of the Defense Staff, General Gheorghiță Vlad, met, on November 30th, with his counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Colonel Vitalie Micov, who took over the mandate in mid-October.

Nr. 254 25.11.2024

US forces participate in Exercise “Southern Shield” conducted in Romania

US Army soldiers from the 57th Air Defence Artillery Regiment are conducting a Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) Exercise in our country with the aim of consolidating and defending NATO's airspace.

Nr. 253 22.11.2024

Defence Minister’s meeting with the Airbus representatives

Minister of National Defence, Angel Tîlvăr, and Minister Ștefan-Radu Oprea met on Thursday, November 21st, at the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism headquarters, with a delegation of the Airbus Company.


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