Information and Public Relations Directorate
E-mail: presamapn@mapn.ro
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Press Information
Sergeant-Major Valericã Leu, of the 33rd Maneuver Battalion deployed to Afghanistan, was killed in action today, May 12, at 08.30 hrs. Romanian time.
The soldier belonged to a small unit the responsibility of which was to secure access routes. During such an action, the NCO triggered the explosion of an antipersonnel mine and was seriously wounded.
First aid measures were taken and then he was evacuated by air to the Field Hospital at Lagman Base. Despite the doctors’ efforts Sergeant Major Valericã Leu eventually died.
The NCO graduated in 2003, was 31 years old, married and had one child.
The Minister of National Defence Gabriel Oprea and the Chief of General Staff, Admiral Gheorghe Marin, expressed their deep sorrow for the tragic event and that their hearts go the grieving family.
MoND Press Office