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The Romanian Defence Minister participates in the North-Atlantic Council Reunion
In the first day of the Reunion of the Defence Ministers of NATO member countries, the Romanian defence minister, Mihnea Motoc, participated in the formal session of the North-Atlantic Council, whose aim was to prepare the meetings between the chiefs of states and governments of the NATO member states which are to take place in Warsaw, at the beginning of July.
On this occasion, the defence ministers talked about the security situation from the Euro-Atlantic space and took important decisions on the adaptation and consolidation of NATO deterrence and defence posture. The purpose of this adaptation process is to maintain NATO allied defence capability against all kinds of threats in accordance with the North-Atlantic Treaty and its international commitments.
Thus, NATO member states agreed upon the emplacement, on rotational basis, of four multinational battalions in each of the Baltic States and Poland as well as on the establishment of an adapted forwarded structure in the South-East of the allied territory, with a ground component consisting in a multinational brigade located in Romania. This brigade-subordinated to the Multinational Division South-East Romania-will function as a framework through which the allied states will be able to affiliate or send forces to Romania to get the necessary training in order to increase interoperability. The brigade will facilitate NATO training activities in the South-East area of the Alliance by means of a constant training and exercise program.
Minister Motoc emphasized that Romania wishes this brigade represent a solid contribution to the strengthening of the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture and to the regional security and stability. Also, the minister mentioned that Romania has had official talks with Bulgaria and Turkey with a view of developing additional measures to consolidate defence and security in the Black Sea region, with focus on the naval and air components.
By these measures, Romania will aim to increase correlation with the assurance activities performed by NATO in the Black Sea area during the last years through air policing missions, allied naval exercises and the presence of the allied vessels in the region.
The Romanian minister highlighted the fact that all these measures have a defensive character and are in agreement with the needs to strengthen the Alliance’s and national defence and were enforced due to Russia’s increased presence and military actions along the Eastern frontier of NATO, including in the Black Sea, after annexing Crimea. At the same time, the adapted presence for South-East is in accordance with NATO’s wide approach, which does not want to confront Russia.
The deterrence and defence measures from the Eastern side of the Alliance are part of a comprehensive approach of the deterrence and defence posture approved by the defence ministers. The approach also includes the adoption of a response framework to the threats coming from the Southern part of the allied territory, measures taken to increase cybernetic defence and defence against terrorist attacks and measures to counteract the hybrid threats and increase resilience. This comprehensive approach of the Alliance incorporates and highlights the measures adopted at the Wales NATO Summit of September 2014, including by the establishment of the Multinational Division South-East in Bucharest and of eight NATO Force Integration Units established in the allied states from Eastern Europe, among which Romania.
Press Department