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Multinational Exercise NOBLE JUMP 2017
Around 4,000 Romanian and other NATO troops along with 500 technical means will participate in multinational exercise NOBLE JUMP 2017 (NOJP17) that will take place in Greece, Bulgaria and Romania over May 26 to June 16.
Most of the foreign troops will arrive at the National Center for Joint Training ”Getica” in Cincu, Romania, coming from bases in Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom, the heavy equipment coming by sea or rail from Greece to Bulgaria and then Romania.
“Noble Jump 2017 is an important NATO exercise that allows us to demonstrate interoperability within the Alliance. I appreciate the support of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania as host nations and their close cooperation so that NOJP17 demonstrate that our skills, knowledge and experience are at the highest level” stated Admiral Michelle Janine Howard, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, in charge of NATO's Rapid Reaction Force in 2017.
The mission of the Multinational Division South-East during NOJP17 will be to coordinate the entire stage of tactical deployment of troops and equipment on the territory of Greece, Bulgaria and Romania. The process will be facilitated by NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) in Bulgaria and Romania, as well as forces belonging to the host nations.
“The climax of the distribution will be the combat-firing exercise that will take place at Cincu Training Center. Besides the two NFIUs in Romania and Bulgaria, the Romanian forces who will train jointly at Cincu belong to the Multinational Brigade in Craiova”, Brigadier General Ovidiu Uifãleanu, Commander of the South East Multinational Division, said about the Noble Jump 2017 exercise.
Additional information on the media activities organized during the exercise will be offered in due time.
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NOJP17 is a short-term notification exercise, planned and led by the Naples Allied Joint Force. Noble Jump 2017 will test the readiness of NATO's Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) and the level of implementation of the Readiness Action Plan of the Alliance (RAP) in Bulgaria and Romania.
Press Department