Information and Public Relations Directorate
E-mail: presamapn@mapn.ro
Contact: 021-319.60.22
DDOS attack on the English language website of the Ministry of National Defence, repelled by the MoND Cyber Command
On Saturday, 28 May, around 04.30, the English language website of the Ministry of National Defence, https://english.mapn.ro/, was the target of a distributed denial of service (DDOS) cybernetic attack.
The Cyber Command specialists succeeded in reestablishing the normal functioning of the website in almost 30 minutes since the DDOS attack launch.
We must specify that the MoND website does not contain any sensitive or classified database and that the attack did not affect any other MoND services or information technology networks.
The MoND Cyber Command has been in contact with the other national institutions with functions in this field in order to precisely identify the origin of this attack and take all necessary measures.
The Press Office